Virtual services only. Mental health counseling for LGBTQ+ individuals, trauma informed care, Music therapy for gender identity affirmation, support and education through local/state resources for transitioning.
Grant is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, a Board Certified Music Therapist (2015) and Licensed Professional Counselor (2021). He is the co-founder for East Texas’ LGBTQIA+ Organization, Pineywoods Pride Coalition (2016) as well as Sam Houston Sate University’s Gay-Straight Alliance (2012). As an activist and therapist, Grant has been serving the LGBTQ population for the last decade from meetings, letter writing programs, phone calls to legislators, social events, and creating supportive, therapeutic environments. Grant also provides LGBTQ+ 101 trainings for organizations and groups in efforts to expand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion understanding in the workplace & organization environments.
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