Hortense is a self-driven nurse practitioner who has over 10 years of experience in health care. Hortense has worked in emergency, critical care, trauma, oncology, hospice & palliative care. After a few years of working as an RN, Hortense decided she wanted to specialize in geriatric care and pursued a career as a Nurse Practitioner, at South University, where she graduated with honors. Hortense then saw the need for mental health care and decided to pursue a career as a primary mental health nurse practitioner at Wilkes University.
Hortense believes in focusing on the whole person when caring for her patients. She is passionate about providing quality, patient-centered care while remaining mindful of her patients’ individual preferences and needs. Hortense is always willing to go above and beyond to ensure that her patients receive the best possible care. Her patients view her as pleasant, knowledgeable, empathetic, and an active listener. Serving is caring.
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