Hello, my name is Hunter (they/them)! I am autistic, queer, non-monogamous, have chronic pain/illnesses, and have experienced multiple traumas so I like to use those lived experiences to help relate to people with similar histories. Although I have “come out” multiple times in my life, currently I identify as non-binary, agender, queer, and as a lesbian. I understand the complexities of LGBTQ+ identity and the individualized experiences we have, as well as how those experiences can be linked to greater cisheteronormative systems affecting LGBTQ+ folks. I have had experience with coming out to both accepting and non-accepting family members, helping friends in similar scenarios, and attended an LGBTQ+ youth group when I came out as a teenager. I have taken Bradbury Sullivan LGBTQ+ trainings at each of the four mental health-related jobs I have had in the past five years, and have worked briefly with the Center in two different student leadership experiences during my undergraduate college experience.
During my time in my master’s program at Chestnut Hill College I took a Culture and Gender class that discussed the LGBTQ+ community, and in other classes I have worked to do my own research, as well as pulling from personal and professional experiences, and sharing those experiences with cisgender/heterosexual peers and professors to help allies be aware of the struggles we face. I am currently in my LPC internship with KAD Counseling, and my supervisor is a lesbian, so we also have case consultation regarding LGBTQ+ issues.
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