I am an openly queer therapist with specialized training in working with non-traditional sexual and gender identities and relationship orientations. A few of the trainings I attended in 2020-2022 include: Being an Anti-oppressive Therapist: Effective Practices for Working with LGBTQIA+ People of Color; Writing Letters for Gender-Confirming Surgery; Psychotherapy with Transgender Clients: What Every Therapist Should Know. My doctoral dissertation research was on Minority Stress, well-being, and relationship satisfaction among bisexual women and I have a publication on a similar topic. I am a current member (and former board member) of Bay Area Open Minds and both of my clinical consultation groups are comprised of clinicians with LGBTQ+ specialties. I am also a provider through the Gender Affirmative Letter Access Project (GALAP) and have written dozens of free letters each year in support of clients seeking gender-affirming surgeries. My caseload is almost exclusively LGBTQ+, non-binary, or non-monogamous individuals and couples, and I am uniquely able to help them examine how their mental health is impacted by cis/hetero/mono-normative messaging. In addition to exploring sexuality and gender, people often seek my help for initiating and navigating major transitions in their relationships, careers, and academic pursuits. Please visit my website or send me an email if you are interested in scheduling a free 15-min video consultation to see if we are a good fit!
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