Hello out there! You are most likely reading this because you live in a small(ish) town… Me too!
I graduated from University of Arizona with a BSHS in Physiology as well as a BA in Religious Studies, and went to medical school at West Virginia University for three semesters before my own mental and physical health limited me from finishing. I then lived in China as a first grade teacher and returned to the US as a pharmacy technician while I applied to schools again. Ultimately, I graduated from Yale as a Family Nurse Practitioner and while there was involved with the executive board of the student-run free clinic as the Pharmacy Director, the {W}holy Queer group for queer students of any (or no) faith tradition, and planning multiple interprofessional queer events. I recently obtained my AAHIVS credential from the American Academy of HIV Medicine, the only provider to do so in an 80-mile radius. Before moving to Safford, I served on the executive board of the LGBTQ+ Center of Bullhead City and was the Co-General Manager of OutLoud Sports in Las Vegas, and I continue to travel to queer kickball tournaments 3-4 times a year. On the Graham County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors I serve as the Tourism Committee Chair, and I am a monthly radio/podcast guest on Voice of the Valley KATO 1230 AM to discuss health topics.
As a provider, what matters most to me is open and honest communication, and that means it is my responsibility to help my patients feel comfortable sharing difficult topics. Queer healthcare is more than sexual health (although that is certainly important!). It is also preventive care, supportive care, mental health care, and compassionate care. Working at a Federally Qualified Health Center, we accept all insurances. For the uninsured, we offer a sliding fee scale to anybody under 200% of federal poverty line, and our in-house pharmacy has access to 340B program medication prices.
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