I am queer optometrist practicing in the Chicagoland area. I’m very passionate about providing a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community as well as neurodivergent folks. Medical exams (especially eye exams) can be overstimulating for some patients, and I strive to build a comfortable and transparent clinical environment. I am specialized in pediatric eyecare, concussion treatment, and functional vision disorders. I have a strong interest in caring for patients with developmental delays and those who need a bit more time and attention in the exam room. I very frequently collaborate with pediatric occupational therapists and neuropsychologists.
As a cis woman, I am constantly trying to learn more about how I can advocate for my trans/nonbinary/genderfluid patients. I am a member of Lakeside Pride, an LGBTQ+ community band in Chicago, and I volunteer with Girls Rock Chicago, an organization that provides girls and NB youth the opportunity to learn, write, and perform music through summer camps and workshops.
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