I worked at a community health center in Florida, for 2 years, where I provided care to members of the LBTQ+ community living with HIV. When I specialized in mental health and opened my own private practice, since I already knew the struggle/challenges (discrimination, especially toward LGBTQ minorities), that members of that community faced everyday, I made it my goal, my mission for my practice to be a welcoming place for all, but especially the most marginalized members of our society. I wanted my practice to be a place where people were free to be themselves, be addressed the way they want to be addressed, and receive the care that they rightfully deserve. I feel that I qualify to provide care that members of the LGBTQ+ community deserve.
At Voltaire Behavioral Health and Wellness, LLC, www.voltairebhw.com, I provide specialized care to members of the LGBTQ+ Community.
Worked as Nurse Practitioner in community health for 2 years caring for LGBTQ+ people living with HIV.
Since the inception of my practice, I’ve taken 22 CME hours of training to learn more about how I can best help LGBTQ+ community members. These courses and trainings include but are not limited to: Advancing Excellence In Transgender Health: A Course For The Whole Care Team from Harvard University and LGBTQIA+ Culturally Competent Nursing Knowledge and Care: We Can Do Better from the Florida Nurses Association.
Groups: LGBQIA and Trans Affirming Therapists, WPATH
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