My passion is facilitating growth and healing using your intersecting identities, both visible and invisible, as strengths. I am skilled in the areas of sexuality and relationship structure minorities, BDSM/Kink, parenting, anxiety management, aging, career counseling, creativity coaching, mood disorders, divorce recovery, incarceration and reentry, and those who practice alternative spiritualities. I am sex-positive & sex work positive. I enjoy working with those in substance abuse recovery, using both my clinical skills and my lived experience. Whether you’re in crisis or interested in exploring personal growth, we can work together building from your strengths to improve your life.
I have worked in the behavioral health field for over two decades guiding individuals through their process of self-discovery. I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist which is a fantastic modality for change, healing & growth. I use CBT to help identify underlying beliefs that motivate you to persist in harmful patterns, allowing you to make more successful choices. I am an Anger Management Specialist & an Active Parenting Now Facilitator. I enhance my counseling with Motivational Interviewing, experiential and creative interventions while using a social justice framework. I am on the certification track in Relational Life Therapy, Terry Real’s relationship counseling modality.
Things about me that may interest you: I am a married bi-sexual cis-woman with children, a practicing Wiccan, kinky and polyamorous. I am a person in long-term recovery. I am a teacher and fiber artist who knits, spins, and weaves. I’m passionate about creating.
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