My name is Roseann Schultz, MA, LPCC (she/her). I am the owner and clinical therapist at Lotus Mental Health and Recovery, LLC. I have worked with individuals ages 6+ for the past four years in private practice with mood disorders, anxiety disorder. sexual disorders, gender dysphoria, and transgender affirming therapy. Prior to starting in private practice in June of 2020 I worked at a behavioral health hospital where individuals with severe mental illness were under commitment. In this setting there were individuals all over the age of 18 from different walks of life. I started my career working with individuals with harmful sexual behavior, which made me better therapist being able to see the person not just the illness or harmful behavior. My experience also includes substance abuse therapy, where I take a harm reduction approach and meet each person where they are in their recovery. I take a person center approach allowing you to lead your own therapy with me being a passenger on your journey. I have been told by patients/clients that I am easy to talk to and understanding.
I am always looking for new learning opportunities with supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. I attended a presentation from the University of Minnesota PROMOTING THE POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH OF TRANS AND GENDER DIVERSE CLIENTS: THE GENDER AFFIRMATIVE LIFESPAN APPROACH (GALA). This was a very informative presentation with information on gender affirming care and some of the laws Minnesota has put into practice to allow individuals of the community to have access to the medical care they deserve and desire without discrimination. I often reference the Gender Bread site with working with teens and adults. I personally identify as a cisgender hetero female, though have been an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community most of my life. I have family members and friends who are apart of the community. I believe all should be able to express themselves and not be subjected to discrimination or negativity from anyone for just being who they are. I believe all are welcome, LOVE IS LOVE, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity!
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