I am a Speech-Language pathologist who specializes in gender-affirming voice and communication therapy, Autism, and Alternative Augmentative Communication. I have been volunteering with LGBTQ+ youth bi-weekly since 2022. I am a professor and clinical supervisor who instructs new graduate student speech pathologists in gender-voice therapy. I have given professional presentations on gender-affirming voice therapy, and my interest is in all the other ways gender is expressed besides pitch alone. I have experience with voice feminization, masculization, and finding communication styles that don’t fit into the gender binary. I have provided voice therapy to gender-expansive individuals across the lifespan. This service is offered through both in-person therapy in DeKalb IL or virtually.
I hold a certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology and am trained in Autism diagnostic testing, Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile, TouchChat, and Language Acquisition through Motor Planning.
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