I have been a therapist for over 7 years now with extensive training and education in treating a wide range of mental health concerns. Throughout my masters and doctorate programs my research was heavily focused on queer mental health and the societal/communal impacts that have direct and indirect effects on our community. As a queer identifying person in West Texas, I am no stranger to the complexities and need for more affirming care, providers, spaces, and policies. I provide affirming care to clients as they face any number of presenting problems from couples communication, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use, and many more. Additionally, I work to help my clients gain resources within the community and across the state to better assist them throughout their treatment. As a Marriage and Family therapy I am specifically trained to assist couples and families navigate these issues as well as individuals. My CEU goals for 2023 are first, to further my training and education in the unique lived experiences of trans individuals and the direct/indirect effect this has on mental health as well as resources to create more positive mental health experiences. Secondly, furthering my trauma informed care through specific training in EMDR.
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