I have over ten years experience working with diverse populations. I work from a trauma-informed lens, meaning that I view many mental health symptoms as stemming from difficult past experiences the individual may have encountered. I regularly incorporate mindfulness and psycho-dynamic models which allow you to safely enter an introspective space and access balance, resilience, and coping. I am foundationally person-centered, meaning that I work hard to create a safe, connected, and attuned relationship with each person who comes through my door. I believe that each individual has within them the capacity and strength to heal, and that is my job to collaborate with you in order to help you understand and shift barriers that are impacting your sense of wellness.
I believe every person deserves to have their needs met, to have access to community, and to find support both intrapersonally and through interdependence. I believe the systems we navigate (relationships, family, society, cultures, etc.) have a great impact on our wellness, our identity, and our development. Social justice is an important component of mental health. As a member of Counselors for Social Justice, I align with their commitment to addressing systems of oppression and external/environmental barriers to wellness.l
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