Midwifery care was incredibly impactful to me in both of my pregnancies. Choosing a midwife offering continuity of care in a home birth practice meant that I got to know my care provider during the course of my pregnancy, and they got to know me in order to provide excellent care throughout my process. Just as my spouses and I were received with love and acceptance by those midwives, I aim to love and accept everyone who comes to me for care. The care I provide is simply good, experienced midwifery care, but the way I provide it is rooted in queerness. I offer thorough education as a foundation to good informed consent process. I ask before touching because it’s basic respect. I will treat you and your family members as individual humans, not gender stereotypes. I respect your experience in your body.
In midwifery school, I gave a presentation on care for LGBTQ+ clients. I have continued to present on the topic for nurses, midwives, and doulas with Queer Birth Project, always adding new data. I facilitate the monthly Queer Birth Project New and Prospective Parents group, offering support for pregnancy, postpartum, newborn care and feeding, mental health, babywearing, cloth diapering – you name it – all geared toward us.
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