I am a Black, Millennial, Liberal, Female who was raised in the south. I grew up surrounded by isms and phobias and I have never understood or subscribed to ridiculous oppressive, discriminatory, and dangerous ideas about LGBTQ+ folxs. When I decided to become a therapist, I made it clear that a therapeutic relationship with me would be affirming and supportive for any queer person of color as our communities have historically failed to provide safe and uplifting space for our LGBTQ family. I also recognize my ability to provide responsive care goes beyond my being an ally. As someone who identifies as cisgender heterosexual, while I may be fiercely aligned with anti-discrimination, my lived experiences are different. As such a value of mine is to continue to educate myself on the issue that many in the LGBTQIA2S+ community face. During my studies, I worked on a group project that created a curriculum for an LGBTQI Teen Support Group. We read literature on the issue that queer teens are facing and collaborated to create a program that would address these issues in a group setting and ideally provide a built in support network. We gave our curriculum to the Child and Family Guidance Center in Balboa, CA to offer teens in their community. I continue my learning and growth by taking CEUs, reading books on Poly/CNM relationships, and plan to attend the virtual National LGBTQ Health Conference in 2024.
In sessions I am warm, welcoming, and open. I am expressive, bubbly, and quick to laugh. But do not let that dissuade you! I take you, your concerns, and your goals seriously and you can expect that I will be an engaged and perceptive member of your team throughout your therapeutic journey. I encourage my clients to take the lead during the process and together we create a plan based on your goals. I will supportively hold you accountable, gently challenge, and fiercely encourage you.
My work with individuals centers around supporting them as they embrace self-development and strengthen self-esteem, combat anxiety, navigate life transitions, strengthen interpersonal relationships, dismantle generational impact, and establish healthy boundaries. Sometimes you just want an objective person to talk to, explore things and process stuff out. Therapy with me can be a maintenance space just as it can be a growth space.
My work with relationships (either individually or in your relationship unit) center around the following: In addition to common relationship stressors (communication, sex, kids, money…) those in interracial/intercultural or polyamorous relationships may also face some unique difficulties such as intolerance/stigma, lack of support, and loss or acquisition of societal privileges. My work with you here centers on navigating the expression of unspoken and unmet needs, mitigating anxiety within the unit by prioritizing self-integration, creating shared meaning and relationship culture, framing differences, and setting boundaries.
I am systemically trained, which means I will often highlight the impact of various factors on your wellbeing and your relationships. I use humanistic, narrative, socio-cultural, positive psychology, and strength-based (solution-focused) theories. In short, I help you explore different perspectives that will ideally generate ideas for the change you desire.
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