I am a registered, licensed, insurance accepting nutritionist with over 20 years experience. Referrals and inquiries accepted for nutritional concerns including these and the prevention of: eating disorders, weight control issues for all ages, Alzheimers, diabetes, digestive disorders, and other medical concerns. I offer assistance with 12 step recovery programs, medication induced weight gain, complex issues involving: nutrition and pregnancy, breast feeding, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart related issues, and vegetarian nutrition. I also specialize in co-occurring mental illness and eating disorders or other medical issues- a psych-specialist. I have experience in geriatric and childhood psychiatric nutrition. I provide family support and involvement as necessary.
I am happy to help all types of people LGBTQIA+ and have experience with all of the above, who have all kinds of concerns. I am affirming to all. I have experience with the community. I am happy to help BIPOC people as well as I understand and help with intersectionality. I speak the language of 12 steps and am experienced with people in Overeater’s Anonymous and other Anonymous groups related to food or other issues. I help with any co-occurring medical nutritional problem.
I work closely with all the client’s health care providers including traditional and complementary medicine professionals. I am a Reiki Master and can provide that when appropriate. I am only doing Telehealth. Please call, text, or email for an appointment or referral. 617-686-3332 or kf@foodhealth.net
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