My name is Nicholas Ireland and I am a white, cisgender, queer therapist in Austin, TX. I provide services through Vada Counseling, specializing in LGBTQ+ mental health. I have developed and delivered an LGBTQ+ competency training and resource guide for school counselors at Comal ISD, covering terminology, mental health needs, best practices, and resources for transgender students. Additionally, I have mentored transgender students facing challenges related to gender identity and intersectional minority experiences. At an LGBTQ+ sexual health clinic, I provided comprehensive care and case management for people living with HIV, including those from the LGBTQ+ community. Furthermore, I have developed health literacy materials on HIV in English and Spanish, addressing disparities due to language and/or education level.
I have extensive training in gender identity, sexual orientation, and issues facing the trans community. I have background/knowledge in kink, polyamory, and consensual non-monogamy.
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