Individual, couples, and small family therapy. Received my Counseling degree in 1987. Begnnng prior to this I have worked with clients who identify as outside the mainstream of society norms. This includes LGBTQ, Deaf, and other culturely diverse people. In the 1990s there were only 2 other therapists in the Boise are / Treasure Valley who comfortably worked with cliets who were gay, lesbian, bisexual. pansexual, transgender or in polyamorus relationships. Though I am not Baptist, I completed my Counseling degree at North American Bsptist Seminary. This has positively contributed to my interest and knowledge and openness regarding many different belief systems. Prior to becoming a counselor/therapist I worked at the South Dakota School for the Deaf and ran a summer camp for people with all kinds of differences. In addition to counseling I enjoy dog training and play, construction projects, and connecting with friends and family.
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