Sarah Morelli (she/her) is board certified as both a Midwife and a Nurse Practitioner. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and has been in practice serving patients since 2014. Sarah’s favorite part about her job is building a relationship with each patient that is built on mutual trust and getting the opportunity to care for patients consistently through the years. She values taking the time to listen to patients’ concerns and questions and she enjoys educating patients so that they have the opportunity to fully participate in decision making about their health care. Her model of care is trauma-informed, consensual nonmonogamy competent, and intentional to uphold bodily autonomy. Sarah has a Certificate of Advanced Training in LGBTQ Healthcare and can prescribe and manage gender affirming testosterone therapy. She is committed to providing patient-centered care to everyone. In her free time, Sarah enjoys baking and being outdoors with her family.
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