I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been in a committed relationship with my wife for over twenty years. I identify as a cis female who is pansexual and I use a lot of humor and compassion when working through difficult subjects and enjoy helping others have a higher quality of life in their spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. I am licensed in Arizona with the Board of Behavioral Health Examiners and I have specialties working with adult couples and adult individuals. I have training in DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and Solution-Focused Therapy and Positive Psychology Therapy. I do telehealth, video sessions, and in person. I have been working in and with my beloved LGBTQIA+ community for over 25 years and am loving it! I have counseled thousands of people and have worked with anxiety, depression, mood disorders, body dysmorphia, transitioning to your affirmed gender identity, couples issues, and isolation and trauma. Let me help you through the unique life challenges that our community faces to help you get back on track and moving forward!
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