I have over 20yrs of Critical care and Emergency medicine experience. I was born in Chicago, IL I and became a mother at 15. I lost my father to complications related to HIV when I was 11yrs old due to his life long battle with IV drug use. I knew I was different at 7yrs old but was raised in a highly religious household and married a man. Although I was out and openly bisexual to my spouse and people I dated It wasn’t until my children were older that I came out to the rest of family and the world. I am a white African American/Latino women and Identify as Nonbinary, Pansexual, and Lesbian. I have first hand life experiences and training with many chronic and preventive diseases. I specialized in primary/ family medicine until 3yrs ago when I decided to further my education to include psychiatric and mental health which is highly undeserved. I opened my open practice and vowed to ensure Silva Family Center would provide specialized care to LBQTQ+ family. I provide unbiased, stigma-free, confidential care for all. I specialize in testing and treatment plans for PrEP, PEP, HIV, hepC, and customized HRT For my transgendered clients. I respect my clients and together hope to be family in this journey to health and wellness. I decided to open my own practice because If I couldn’t practice medicine my way I didn’t want to practice it anymore. I was tired of remaining silent regarding racial, sexual and economic disparities many people face in healthcare. I want to provide a save space where all are welcome.
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