My name is Erin. I’m a pediatric family therapist practicing via telehealth who can see people living in Arizona, California, or Tennessee.
Most people read “About” sections to find out if the therapist might be a good fit. Therapists can have similar credentials and experience, but they can still feel dramatically different in terms of fit for your family and child. It unfortunately can take some shopping around to find a provider, which is exhausting (even when you are feeling great) and overwhelming (especially when you are in need of care).
So, who am I and what might it be like working with me?
I received a B.A. in Social Work from Arizona State University in 2012, followed by my M.S. in Social Work from University of Tennessee with specialization in Trauma Treatment. I’ve had formal training in several modalities: DBT, ACT, (TF)-CBT, Motivational Interviewing, and incorporate attachment and solution-focused theories. Additionally, I’m certified in Perinatal Mental Health to better support expecting and new caregivers. I may pull from any of these models in my work with your family to best suit your needs and goals, but the most important part of our work to me will always be the bond we have with one another.
Before starting my practice, I was a social worker for about a decade in behavioral health. I’ve had unique opportunities to form relationships in a wide array of settings- prisons, shelters, hospitals, schools, encampments, and right at home. I’ve developed a belief from my experience that almost any serious dilemma can be navigated with clarity, creativity, and companionship.
Working with people of very diverse backgrounds and encountering very diverse life challenges has lent me an ability to establish an immediate sense of safety and calm with families and children/teens in my practice. I carry with me an affection for empowering families to develop the tools they need to navigate life as it changes and to lean into meaningful connections with others. In particular, my practice centers on providing affirming care to gender creative and queer youth and their caregivers. It is a joy and central to my mission as a therapist to help families with LGBTQ+ children or caregivers thrive. I have a particular affinity for partnering with caregivers of LGBTQ+ children and teens to navigate their own personal transformations, role transitions, and ambivalence experienced in being their child’s champion.
In addition to being a psychotherapist, I’m an amateur cook and rock collector with an inexplicable affinity for home repairs and reading, as well as a loyal friend. My wife and I live in Pasadena, CA, with our dog, Valley.
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