Being non-hetero-normative can put a person in real danger, and I’m a clinician that understands the gravity, courage, and ramifications of living an “out” life. As much as I hate this is true, reality is what reality is: there are ignorant, very closed minded people who mean harm to LGBTQIA+ community members just for being who they are. Discrimination is rampant against this community and can be experienced on a daily basis. It can be extremely difficult and terrifying just trying to figure out who you are and how that fits in your life. I can help! I have helped many people in my 20+yrs of practice work through past trauma, current challenges, and assisted people in coming to terms with and accepting who they are and how to proceed with this life. Lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender women & men, queer, asexual, and intersexed people have all had success working with me as their clinician. I honestly have worked with at LEAST one representative of each group. I have my own lived experience plus my education, training, and professional experience to combine with your expertise on what is like to live in your skin. Together we WILL get you to where you want to be.
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