I am a cis-gender man with a lifelong pursuit of working with adolescents and addressing sexual health. I continue working through my own 40 year and counting adolescence and sexual development. I have been trained in Adolescent Medicine as a subspecialty of Pediatrics and I maintain Board Certification in this specialty to ensure the best care for all youth I serve. I have been a faculty member of Physicians for Reproductive Health and Advocates for Youth’s; Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Education Program including training physicians, medical staff and laypersons about LGBTQ+ healthcare services and sexual development and services. I have attended multiple WPATH GEI Trainings and additional trainings focusing on Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse Youth as well as trainings on Global Health Education for Equity, Anti-Racism, and Decolonization (GHEARD) and currently provide care for a large population of Gender Diverse youth and emerging adults as well as routine and sexual health care for LGBTQ+ populations.
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