Hi My name is Janae Borrego. I’m a Queer, Chicana, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California and Florida. I’m a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional and Certified EMDR therapist. I have worked in mental health in various settings and roles for 13 years and has been a practicing therapist for 12 years.
I founded my own practice, JB Psychotherapy, Coaching and Consulting where I provides services to diverse individuals and pursue my passion of advocating for cultural and LGBTQIA2s+ affirming therapy and trauma informed care through speaking and training events. I also serves as the Chief Clinical Officer at Rainbow Hill Recovery which is an outpatient treatment center focused on servicing LGBTQIA+ specific clients struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. Furthermore, I am a proud committee member of LGBTQ+AAMHP which is an organization place for education and professional development supporting diversity and cultural competency, a collaborative safe space to address challenges, barriers and needs of our communities. I obtain an LGBTQ specific training on a monthly basis to ensure that I am staying informed and continue to build on my education and providing trainings and speaker events to educate others.
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